The Agroecological Assessment Process in the CCRP East and Southern African Community of Practice
The CCRP generates knowledge based on principles of agroecology (AE) to support farmers in having improved nutrition and income in sustainable ways. This is achieved through knowledge co-creation using farmer research networks (FRNs) that include extension, research, and farmers, and through collaboration between different types of institutions and people in communities of practice. In the ESAf CoP, although projects deal with different aspects of agroecological intensification (AEI), their understanding of what agroecology really means was found to differ. Thus, a July 2019 workshop in Arusha focused on improving AE understanding and what it means for research in projects in the region.
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The agroecological assessment process in ES Af COP.v (pdf)
Sara Namirembe
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Organizational publication or report