Integrated Management of Bacterial Wilt of Enset in Ethiopia
Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Chessman is a perennial, herbaceous and monocarpic crop belonging to the family Musaceae. Enset is an orphan and little researched food crop cultivated only in Ethiopia. The project was initiated with the overall objective of improving food security, income and livelihood of enset farmers through integrated enset bacterial wilt management and improving the capacity of partner institutions, farmers, development agents and researchers through providing research facilities, training, field visits, experience sharing, and long term training. Detailed baseline survey was carried out in eight districts namely Guragie, Siltie, Dawuro, Sidama, Wolayita, Gedeo, Hadyia and Kembata-Tembaro. Data was collected on the number of enset clones and names of the clones, purpose each clone grown at farmers field, the reaction of each clone to the pathogen, farmer perceptions of causes and modes of enset xanthomonas wilt (EXW) transmission, means of disease management, and farmer’s knowledge on symptom identification.
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Southern Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) in Ethiopia, Hawassa University, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Southern Nation Nationalities People’s Regional State Bureau of Agriculture in Ethiopia
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Organizational publication or report