CCRP Thematic Intervention Areas
The CCRP Theory of Change (ToC) describes the broad systems change to which the CCRP contributes. The thematic intervention areas describe the more specific topics the CCRP invests in, as well as shorter-term outcome areas. The thematic areas are present throughout CCRP theoretical frameworks including regional ToCs, thematic ToCs, and project ToCs and are also connected to the CCRP principles and The McKnight Foundation’s values, of stewardship, respect, equity, and curiosity, which describe how we do our work.
- Strengthening Seed systems that support AE
- Germplasm development to support AE
- Support Agro (biodiversity) [includes inter and intra specific diversity]
- Promote adaptation to climate change
Soil Health
- Agroecological Systems (re) design [focus on integration more than diversification]
- Improve Soil Health research [includes water conservation]
Ecological Pest and Disease Management
- Strengthening Ecological Pest Management [pest refers to insect, disease, and weed pests]
Enhanced Food Systems
- Support food-based Nutrition & Health
- Developing/strengthening AE Markets
- Promote Circular Economies [includes use of waste, direct consumer-producer relationships]
- Support processing and value added [including differentiation]
Farmer Centered Research
- Farmer Centered Research/ FRNs
Institutional and Policy Change towards AE
- Communications & Knowledge Management innovations
- Providing information for and advocating for AE-supportive Policy
- Strengthening farmer and researcher AE Capacity
- Supporting agroecological Leadership
- AE Governance