A review of the state of knowledge and the use of liquid ferments and biol in the Andes
Here we review the current state of knowledge and practical use of liquid ferments in the Andes, through an extensive literature review and interviews with practitioners. Literature was collected through searches in white and grey literature, including peer-reviewed research, academic theses and promotional material from non-governmental organizations and government ministries. Interviews were conducted in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, in multiple regions and with a range of practitioners, promotors and producers. The basic structure for this review includes: 1) a background of the development of liquid fermented inputs to crops in the Andes 2) critical concepts related to anaerobic digestion and fermentation as it relates to fates of plant nutrients and other end products 3) reporting on the research and promotional literature regarding formulation, chemical properties and application of liquid ferments to crops 4) contextualizing regional literature with knowledge from interviews with producers and practitioners in the Andes, and broader research into bioinput. This final section also includes key recommendations for advancing research into liquid ferments in the Andes. Our review indicates that use of liquid ferments on crops developed in tandem with promotion of household anaerobic digesters for biogas in the Andes.
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This publication was produced as part of the research project "State of knowledge and use of bioinputs in the Andes", coordinated by researchers from Rikolto and the University of Michigan, with the support of the McKnight Foundation.