Grain Processing IV

Lead Organization:

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Niger

Partner Organizations:


Community of Practice:

West Africa


Burkina Faso Niger




Sorghum and pearl millet are major staples for smallholder farm families in West Africa where malnutrition is common. Local cereal fortification with indigenous legumes (cowpea, groundnut, Bambara groundnut), which are generally richer in protein, minerals and vitamins (e.g., iron, zinc, vitamins A and D), can be a means to remediate micronutrient deficiencies in common diets. This project builds on previous work conducted by the team in cooperation with rural and urban processing units owned by women.This project strengthens local cereal and legume processing and diversify uses of local grains. Furthermore, outcomes will contribute to improved local value chain development, income generation for women, and a reduction of malnutrition. By combining diverse cereals and legumes in the processing, this project indirectly promotes legume integration in cereal-based systems and this contributes to agroecological intensification, a priority area of CCRP. Value chain development is expected to lead to income generation opportunities, especially for women both in rural and urban areas. By considering micro- and macro-nutrient content of processed products, the project can be considered as nutrition-informed and contributing to reduction of malnutrition.

Grant Aims:

By combining cereals and legumes in food processing, this project indirectly promotes legume integration in cereal-based systems. This in turn contributes to agroecological intensification, which is a priority area of CCRP. By identifying different varieties for different uses (exploiting option-by-context interaction in the processing), the cultivated varietal diversity can be promoted, which is another pillar of sustainable and resilient production systems. The value chain development is expected to lead to income generation opportunities for women both in rural and urban areas. The project has a strong focus on women’s empowerment, as women are the main actors in the food processing activities. Furthermore, by considering micro- and macro-nutrient content of processed products, the project can be considered as nutrition- informed. This is very important as severe child malnutrition is widespread in both rural and urban areas of Niger and Burkina Faso. The project has also a good capacity building component in cooperation with Purdue University; including training of one PhD candidate from Niger.

Outputs and Outcomes:

Expected outcomes of this project include:

  • Use of appropriate varieties for different processed products with possible concomitant effects on crop and varietal diversification in the production systems
  • Reduced malnutrition through the consumption of fortified cereal-based products
  • New marketing and income generation opportunities for women via diversified processed products
  • Reduced work load for women via optimized processing equipment
  • Strengthened capacities and empowerment of rural women processors
  • Strengthened capacities of local scientistsThe outputs that are expected to lead to desired outcomes include:
  • New cereal and legume varieties characterized for food-making attributes and nutrition potential
  • Nutritionally-fortified foods available by combining cereals and legumes in food processing
  • Cost-effective and appropriate mechanized processing equipment available to benefit local communities and to reduce women’s workloads
  • Blended legume based millet and/or sorghum nutritious processed foods made known to the public using effective communication means (e.g., participatory hands-on training on methods/recipes/culinary preparation, media sensitization on nutritional value and benefit)
  • Knowledge available about the acceptability and marketability of cereal-legume based products in rural sites in multiple locations in Niger and Burkina Faso
  • Rural Incubation Sub-Centers established in Niger (Tillabery and Maradi) and Burkina Faso (Kaya), and strengthened to include joint cereal-legume processing
  • New knowledge on main constraints limiting use of legumes in sorghum and millet grain processing available
  • Initial long-term contracting between farmers and processors implemented with smallholder farmers in Niger and Burkina Faso


  • Advancing together · Overview of the CCRP Portfolio in West Africa as of 2020

    West Africa
