SDSN’s e-conference on fall armyworm a success
Published on:
November 9, 2018
Community of Practice:
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network’s (SDSN) 22-26 October e-conference on Responding to Fall Armyworm in Africa was a tremendous success. Over 500 people registered for the week, 70% of whom reside in Africa. Each daily session was well attended, attracting between 100 and 350 views. Participant also engaged with the online conference platform to make new connections, exchange challenges and ideas, and share work. You can find many of the e-conference sessions and other materials here: https://www.unsdsn.org/news/2018/10/26/outcomes-from-the-fall-armyworm-e-conference
If you have any suggestions for future e-conference topics, please share with Rebecca Nelson.