Projects in West Africa Receive Funds for Covid-19 and Recycling Research
Published on:
November 17, 2020
Community of Practice:
WAf Projects Receive Second Round of Covid-19 Funding
- The Child Nutrition project hosted by IRSAT in Burkina Faso received a $10,000 USD grant amendment to enable better communication within and between projects. Such communication includes creating the infrastructure for internet access at the AMSP headquarters in Kaya and supporting female animators with smartphones.
- The Women’s Fields project led by FUMA Gaskiya in Niger received a $12,000 USD grant amendment to enhance communication and data synchronization in FUMA’s farmer research networkand reduce travel in times of Covid-19, thereby minimizing contamination risks.
- The Pathways to AEI project in Mali hosted by the Wageningen University received $6,000 USD to extend its PhD student’s stipend by four months. Covid-19 compelled the student to delay his thesis defense.
Agro2Eco Wins Approval as Cross-Cutting Grant
Led by the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD), the Agro2Eco project will develop models of the generic recycling potential in three contrasting West African sites based on the “new sanitation” and “territorial symbiosis” paradigms. The results will inform future strategies for recycling urban and peri-urban waste for the benefit of sustainable agricultural production.