FRN responds to soil erosion in West Pokot County, Kenya
Published on:
October 9, 2017
Community of Practice:
Soil erosion is one of the major problems confronting agriculture in tropical Africa. It is a major threat to soil resource, fertility and productivity. Land degradation due to soil erosion, particularly gully erosion by water, is the main threat in West Pokot County. This is manifested by the presence of a lot of gully-affected areas, notably cropping fields, grazing lands and degraded hillsides. The project presented here is focused on gully prevention and rehabilitation, a top priority for farmers in reclaiming their lands. This farmer research network has been working to change mindsets, to train farmers in landscape restoration, and to build community engagement and mobilization for on-going participatory action research. Learn more about the problem and FRN solutions by visiting https://youtu. be/m6v16_OMKIM or watching the video below.