An interview with McKnight’s Foundation’s West African colleagues at Agropolis
Published on:
March 26, 2020
Community of Practice:
“Farmers should be proper actors, no longer mere objects of research”…
The McKnight Foundation held an annual meeting of its Collaborative Crops Research Program’s West African Community of Practice from February 24 to 28, 2020, in Montpellier, France. Approximately 50 representatives of projects funded by the Foundation in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger attended this event that was hosted by Agropolis Fondation.
Researchers and others from Agropolis met with Fatoumata Ba Ama, a nutrition researcher at the CNRST Research Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology in Burkina Faso, Roger Kaboré, representative of the Burkinabè NGO AMSP and Bourama Diakité, from the Malian NGO Association for the Development of Production and Training Activities.
You can read the interview in English here
Or in French here