Ecological Pest, Weed & Disease Management (EP&D)
Published on:
October 30, 2020
Community of Practice:
Since July 2020, a monthly seminar series has been bringing together McKnight supported researchers from across the three regions to discuss the challenges and successes of their research to develop ecologically sustainable technologies and methods to manage various pest and disease issues affecting smallholder farming systems. The EP&D seminars are a way to showcase the work of McKnight’s research teams, bringing them together to share experiences and ideas and to connect with global leaders in the field to learn about recent advances. As the seminar series progresses, we hope to hold workshops where we discuss some of the pest problems facing farmers, such as fall armyworm, which is a problem in the Americas and across Africa where it is a new invasive species.
If you would like to receive notifications and invitation links about these seminars and workshops please email Prof Steven Belmain | s.r.belmain@gre.ac.uk Steve will add you to the list to receive updates and invitations. Researchers, students and farmers are all welcome to attend these online sessions.
The next speaker is Dr Prisila Mkenda. Prisila is a recent McKnight-funded PhD graduate from Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology and now working at Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania. She will give her seminar on the 19th November covering aspects of her PhD on natural pest regulation. Over the next months, we expect to hear from more project activities in the Andes, West and East/Southern Africa regions.