Territorial Markets and Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration in Peru

Lead Organization:

Peruanos Unidos por la Cocina y la Alimentación (PUCA)

Partner Organizations:

PUCA; Researchers from CITE Potato and Andean Crops, IEP, CIVE, GED-MIT, UNAV

Community of Practice:







The global agro-food system faces significant imbalances that undermine its ability to address challenges related to sustainable human development. The food system is responsible for 30% of total greenhouse gas emissions, and food insecurity affects over 345 million people worldwide (WFP, 2023). In this context, territorial markets, which focus on proximity food routes, markets, and supply chains, play a vital role in food security, equity, and sustainability (IPES FOOD, 2024).

In Peru, small-scale producers dominate the agricultural landscape, with 79% of the total number of producers owning less than 5 hectares (INEI, 2017). This project builds on PUCA’s existing initiatives, such as T-INKI, to enhance food systems through capacity building, infrastructure development, and process management for small and medium-sized producers. The project aims to integrate knowledge, implementation practices, and policy advocacy to build sustainable, inclusive, and resilient agri-food systems, with a focus on collaboration among stakeholders in both rural and urban areas.

Grant Aims:

  • Strengthen territorial markets in Peru through improved value chains and economic ecosystems.
  • Foster collaboration among stakeholders across rural and urban areas, including small producers, the gastronomic sector, and local actors.
  • Design and implement pilot initiatives to strengthen productive, technical, commercial, and financial aspects of territorial markets.
  • Promote equity and inclusion by improving market connections and fostering collective action, with a focus on marginalized groups (e.g., women, youth).

Outputs and Outcomes:

Specific Objective 1: Define Baseline and Characterize the Profiles of Actors and Dynamics in the Territory

  • Participatory action research design
  • Territory selection criteria matrix
  • Characterization study, profiles, and sociogram of links
  • Dissemination of experiences of actors in the territory

Specific Objective 2: Understand the Relationship and Collaboration Dynamics of the Actors in the Territory

  • Potentiality of the territory and prioritization of initiatives
  • Map of input production for restaurants and other actors in the territory
  • Educational spaces for knowledge exchange

Specific Objective 3: Design Initiatives and Innovations for Territorial Implementation (Pilots)

  • Pilots for productive, technical, commercial, and financial strengthening with actors in the territory
  • Training program for actors in the territory
  • Dissemination of experiences of actors in the territory


  • Collaborative understanding of the actors, dynamics, and potentialities in the territory.
  • Shared strategies for relationship-building and collaboration within the territory.
  • Developed initiatives and innovations ready for implementation in the territorial markets.
  • Enhanced equity and inclusion in market connections, motivating collective action within the agri-food system