Farmer Videos II

Lead Organization:

AgroInsight (17-377)

Community of Practice:







The project will identify, develop, and share promising technologies developed by CCRP grantees in a way that is easily accessible for farmers all over the world. In Year One, the project will focus on producing three videos on Andean Cropping Systems in Bolivia. The topics will be chosen in collaboration with CCRP consultants and grantees. Four topics will be chosen to develop into farmer-friendly fact sheets: one-page, illustrated descriptions of one or more techniques for solving an agricultural problem of relevance to smallholders. The four fact sheets will describe technical solutions that are a product of CCRP-funded research. Such innovations must have been validated by farmers under their own conditions, and ideally, the technologies will have been developed in participation with farm communities. The fact sheets will be produced as part of a script-writing workshop facilitated by Agro-Insight, which includes mechanisms for including farmer voice and addressing global relevance. The videos will be professionally filmed and edited by Agro-Insight, in collaboration with the grantees who will help to identify female and male farmers with good communication skills. The videos will be published in three languages (English, Spanish, and Quechua) and will be available for other appropriate institutions to potentially translate into other languages. In Year Two, the above activities will be conducted in Peru.

Grant Aims:

Objective 1 Videos and fact sheets:Outputs: Produce four fact sheets in each country on AEI topics, highlighting farmer-participatory research funded by the CCRP.Film three videos in each country, focusing on the best scripts developed by the grantees in collaboration with Agro-Insight.Produce videos that document new AEI techniques developed by grantees with farmer participation.Outcomes: Highlight and document research funded by the CCRP in a multi-language, farmer-friendly format, which provides ample opportunity for access by women and men of different socio-economic groups.Farmers worldwide will watch the videos and learn valuable information about enhancing their AEI management from Andean cropping systems. Objective 2 Documentation capacity:Outputs: Writers’ workshops are held with CCRP grantees in Bolivia and Peru.Grantees gain experience in creating a farmer-learning video.Outcomes:Strengthen the capacities of selected CCRP grantees to document the farmer-validated outcomes of their research in writing, in plain language that everyone understands. Objective 3 Extension capacity: Outputs:After the videos are finished, master copies will be distributed to CCRP and relevant partners, who can then distribute DVDs and screen videos to farmers.Outcomes:Strengthen the capacities of grantees to use media to share their ideas with rural communities. Objective 4 Contextualized scaling Outputs:The six videos will be placed on the Access Agriculture web platform, enabling access to the global research and development community, agricultural education institutes, and farmers directly.Outcomes:Promote appropriate AEI technologies for Andean cropping systems. Many of these techniques may also be useful for audiences in other parts of the world, including parts of sub-Saharan Africa where the McKnight Foundation is active.
