Agricultural and Food Systems Transformation through the Malawi Agroecology Hub
Lead Organization:
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR)
Partner Organizations:
PELUM Malawi; Human Ecology Department (LUANAR); Development Technical Assistance Services (DeTAS); Biodiversity Conservation International (BCI); Zodiak Media; National Gene Bank; Department of Agricultural Extension Services (DAES); Department of Agricultural Research (DARS); Never Ending Food (NGOs); KUSAMALA
Community of Practice:
This proposal is for an action-research and learning project to support a multi-stakeholder platform known as Malawi Agroecology Hub (MW-AE Hub). The Hub facilitates networking, co-learning and co-creation of knowledge around the potential of agroecology in Malawi with an aim to transform the current agrifood systems into fairer, inclusive, ecologically sustainable and productive systems.
The agrifood systems in Malawi are complex. They are influenced and disrupted by a declining natural-resource base (i.e., soil and water); climate change and variability including cyclones, droughts/ dry spells and floods; global crises (pandemics e.g., COVID-19; political-Ukraine-Rusia war); rapidly rising population (35% to 17.5 million (186/ sq km) from 2008-2018); socio-cultural drivers e.g, maize is imbued with cultural meanings that celebrate local identity (Kampanje-Phiri, 2016). Stakeholders are diverse (farmers, government, academia, civil society, private sector, donors) with multiple and competing demands on and interests in agrifood systems. Dominant narratives are food security, climate resilience, economic development, role of small-scale family farms.
The complexity of Malawi’s agrifood systems remains a challenge and opportunity for the government to address the country’s challenges such as declining soil health, crop yields, forex exchange and food shortage. Government policy has frequently focused on industrial-led solutions dominated by agricultural technologies/ innovation that are crop productivity centred and increasing farmers’ dependency on external inputs. Policy implementation is dominated by support in the form input subsidies. The approach fails to minimize the trade-offs and improve the synergies between agricultural productivity, social justice and environment.
Agroecology posits as an alternative as it offers potential for economically, environmentally and socially sustainable agrifood systems. However, agroecology hardly bears fruits in absence of an enabling environment. In Malawi, the AE Hub has been established to creates a safe space for diverse stakeholders to engage in multi-stakeholder social learning processes to inform decision making around agroecology. In 2018 the McKnight Foundation supported the establishment of the MW-AE Hub to function as a platform to link research, extension, farmers and other stakeholders in agroecology. In 2022 the Biovision Foundation supported the MW-AE Hub to strengthen governance structure. Learning and Change Groups have been established to enable stakeholders to engage, learn and strengthen their capacity to implement AE-informed approaches, strategies. Nonetheless, governance structures and operationalization of the Learning and Change Groups and the entire Hub needs to be strengthened to be effective and legitimate. In this proposal we pursue the following research questions:
- What governance structures and processes are needed to enable multi-stakeholder initiatives such as the AE-hub to be effective and legitimate?
- To what extent is the capacity of AE-hub participants to analyse and engage with AE- informed decision-making processes through multi-stakeholder social learning processes strengthened?
- Has the AE Hub strengthened AE-informed decision- making processes for economically, socially and environmentally sustainable farming and food systems?
- Has the AE Hub strengthened DEI-informed decision- making processes for economically, socially and environmentally sustainable farming and food systems?
Grant Aims:
- Strengthen the governance structure and operational processes of the MW-AE Hub.
- Foster social learning processes that enhance the capacity of stakeholders to engage in agroecology-informed decision-making.
- Promote sustainable, socially just, and environmentally responsible farming and food systems in Malawi.
- Improve communication, knowledge management, and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) within the Hub and beyond.
Outputs and Outcomes:
Objective 1: To strengthen governance structure and processes of the AE Hub
Outcome 1: The governance structure operationalized and strengthened to enable AE-informed decision making for sustainable farming and food systems.
- Output 1.1: Governance structures, processes, and approaches for effective and legitimate multi-stakeholder initiatives identified.
- Output 1.2: Strengthened AE Hub contributing to capacity building for AE-informed decision making.
Objective 2: To co-develop and implement a multi-stakeholder social learning strategy
Outcome 2: AE-informed decision-making processes through multi-stakeholder social learning strengthened.
- Output 2.1: Collective capacity of AE Hub and Learning and Change Groups to engage with AE-informed policy and investment processes strengthened.
- Output 2.2: Strategy for social learning on agroecology, including experiential learning cycles, developed and implemented.
- Output 2.3: Individual capacity of AE Hub members to analyze, engage, and act on AE-informed decision-making processes strengthened.
Objective 3: To strengthen decision-making on policy, planning, and investment processes for AE-informed, sustainable farming
Outcome 3: Strengthened decision-making processes (policy, planning, investment) for AE-informed sustainable farming and food systems in Malawi.
- Output 3.1: Strategy for social learning on agroecology for decision makers developed and implemented.
- Output 3.2: Capacity of policy and investment decision makers to engage with AE-informed decision-making processes strengthened.
Objective 4: To develop and implement a communication and knowledge management strategy for the AE Hub and beyond
Outcome 4: Enhanced access to information, experiences, and plural perspectives on agroecology within and beyond the AE Hub.
- Output 4.1: Co-designed strategy for communication and knowledge management within and beyond the AE Hub implemented.
Objective 5: To develop and implement a MEL strategy for AE Hub activities
Outcome 5: MEL processes contribute to AE-informed decision-making for sustainable farming and food systems.
- Output 5.1: MEL strategy with outcomes and indicators co-designed and documented.
- Output 5.2: Capacity of AE Hub members and stakeholders to implement MEL strengthened.
- Output 5.3: MEL strategy informs decision-making processes within the AE Hub and beyond.