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  362 Results (Clear Filters)

  • Agrinovia Master Training

    West Africa

  • Agroecological Valorization of Organic Waste (AgrOW)

    West Africa

  • Kenya AE Hub II R&D and Info-Sharing

    East & Southern Africa

  • Python-Based Platform to Evaluate Crop/Pest Systems

  • Strategic Alliance of Philanthropic Foundations

  • Forage and Fallows Phase IV


  • Bioinoculants’ Role in Crop Production and Protection

    East & Southern Africa

  • Kenya AE Hub 3: Supporting FRN Priorities

    East & Southern Africa

  • Farmer-Managed Seed Systems

    East & Southern Africa

  • Community Food Sustainability, Soil/Water Conservation

    East & Southern Africa

  • Maize

    FRNs and METs for Soil, Maize-Legume, and Livelihoods

    East & Southern Africa

  • Spread AE: Responding to New Challenges


  • Agroecological Youth in Action


  • Farmer-Managed Seed Systems

    East & Southern Africa

  • FRN Contributions to Resilient Food Systems

    East & Southern Africa

  • To Build the Circular Bionutrient Economy

    East & Southern Africa

  • Building the Circular Bionutrient Economy

    East & Southern Africa

  • Research Methods Support (RMS)

    Andes, East & Southern Africa, West Africa

  • Co-Designing Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Systems

    West Africa

  • Sahel-IPM II

    West Africa

  • Strengthen FRNs to Improve Climate Change Resilience

    West Africa

  • Networking4Seed II

    West Africa