L'Institut d'Economie Rurale
The Pathways to AEI project (2012–2023) established a strong partnership between IER, ONG AMEDD, Wageningen University (WUR), and ICRISAT. Under the FRN framework, these partners will collaborate on scaling agroecological technologies through co-learning. IER, ICRISAT, and WUR will lead research activities, while NGO AMEDD will implement and monitor showcase and trial fields.
— NGO AMEDD (Ousmane Dembélé, Josue DAO): Focus on entrepreneurial initiatives in crop production, capacity building, cooperative management (including market research and conflict resolution), and high-value crops (soybeans, sesame, groundnuts, cereals).
— IER (Ousmane SANOGO, Salif DOUMBIA, Arouna DISSA): Lead initiatives in livestock production, technical training, and support for producer groups (cowpea and small ruminants), with expertise in socio-economic analysis, agronomic research, and digital tool development (with the RMS-WA team).
— WUR (Katrien Descheemaeker): Provide expertise in production and food systems modeling and collaborate with IER on student supervision.