Agricultural biodiversity contributes to productivity, resilience, and diets. Over the past decade, CRFS-funded teams have conducted research across the value chains of the diverse crops below. Work has ranged from studies to better understand, document, and utilize local biodiversity, to support for breeding programs and seed systems, to agronomy, post-harvest management, enhancing markets, and utilization for improved nutrition.
Legume crops: common bean, groundnut, cowpea, pigeonpea, soybean, Bambara groundnut, lablab, lupin, Desmodium
Cereal crops: sorghum, pearl millet, finger millet, fonio, tef
Other: quinoa, amaranth
10 October 2016
Highlights from 10 years of work in the West Africa Community of Practice.
30 September 2019
5 June 2017
Eduardo Peralta has devoted 35 years to advancing lupin as well as grains quinoa and amaranth in South Americas Andes region.
9 March 2017
The Kapkerer Farmers Group and the Kiptoruswo Self-Help Group of Nandi, Kenya produce nutrient-dense porridge mixes by integrating legumes into traditional recipes.
15 November 2016
Robert Mwanga, a CCRP grantee from 1994-2009, was one of four co-recipients of the 2016 World Food Prize. Dr.
15 May 2017
GREAT courses equip researchers with tools to enhance the impact their research has on beneficiary communities, while also providing them marketable skills.
23 June 2019
The closing ceremony of Singida Nutrition and Agroecology Project (SNAP) was held in Singida last week. During the ceremony Project PI Rachel Kerr said that agroecological farming needs policy backing so that it can be implemented by farmers effectively.
17 November 2020
Agroferias Campesinas started as a project of the gastronomic society APEGA and later became an association formed by the participants. Closed during the first months of COVID-19, a reduced version of it now runs three days a week, with the aid of a small CCRP grant, recently started online delivery.
1 January 2018
21 January 2020
10 January 2019
29 January 2020
20 November 2017
A new set of multi-language videos out of the Southern Africa Community of Practice highlights new varieties of common bean that have resistance to beetles.
24 January 2017
Available now: From Breeding to Nutrition: Orange-fleshed sweetpotatoes in farming and food systems of Uganda, Kenya and Burkina Faso.
12 December 2016
The soils of Mozambique are known to be low in available phosphorus.
10 April 2020
15 June 2017
A new, french language film has been produced and features the activities of Grain Processing project farmers as they work to improve livelihoods